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cancer center中文是什么意思

用"cancer center"造句"cancer center"怎么读"cancer center" in a sentence


  • 癌症中心


  • Koo foundation sun yat - sen cancer center
  • External relations and foreign communications in cancer center of sun yat - sen university
  • Now both therapies are commonly used in cancer centers throughout the united states and canada
  • Kevin oeffinger of the memorial sloan - kettering cancer center in new york was lead author of the study
  • In addition , most major medical centers and cancer centers have an extreme interest in integrative medicine and especially tcm
  • Extensive information including news , prevention , clinical trials , conferences and psychosocial support from the university of pennsylvania cancer center
  • This paper discusses the technology and successfully uses it into the bas of the cancer center building of the zhong shan university
    本文探讨了这一技术,并将之成功地运用到了中山大学肿瘤防治中心大楼ba (楼宇自动化)系统。
  • Speech by the secretary for health and welfare , dr e k yeoh , at the opening ceremony of the new ammed cancer center on november 5 , 2001
  • Speech by the secretary for health and welfare , dr e k yeoh , at the opening ceremony of the new ammed cancer center on november 5 , 2001
  • The study , led by cancer researchers at the ohio state uniersity comprehensie cancer center , was published online in the international journal of cancer
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"cancer center"造句  
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